In our concluding post of the series, we focus on the critical role school leaders play in setting up co-teaching for success. Establishing a thriving co-teaching environment requires thoughtful planning, strategic implementation, and continuous support. Here are some tips for school leaders to ensure that co-teaching not only takes root but also flourishes in their schools.

Forming Co-Teaching Partnerships

  1. Match Teachers Thoughtfully: Consider teachers’ personalities, teaching styles, and areas of expertise when pairing co-teachers. Compatibility and mutual respect are key to a productive partnership.
  2. Involve Teachers in the Process: Allow potential co-teachers to have a say in their partnerships. This fosters buy-in and commitment from the outset.
  3. Provide Training on Collaboration: Ensure that co-teachers have the skills and knowledge to work effectively together, covering topics such as communication, conflict resolution, and joint planning.

Implementing Co-Teaching Strategically

  1. Target Student Populations: In situations where staff is limited, prioritize co-teaching for student populations that would benefit the most, such as inclusive classrooms with diverse learning needs.
  2. Start Small and Scale Up: Begin with a few co-teaching pairs and expand gradually. This allows for learning and adjustment as the model is implemented.
  3. Ensure Adequate Planning Time: Co-teachers need dedicated time for planning and coordination. School leaders should ensure that their schedules allow for this essential collaboration.

Maintaining an Ongoing Focus

  1. Provide Continuous Professional Development: Offer ongoing training and support for co-teachers, addressing both instructional strategies and collaborative skills.
  2. Encourage Reflection and Feedback: Create opportunities for co-teachers to reflect on their practice, share successes and challenges, and receive constructive feedback.
  3. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly assess the effectiveness of co-teaching partnerships and make adjustments as needed to ensure continued success.

Promoting a Positive Culture Around Co-Teaching

  1. Celebrate Successes: Highlight and celebrate the achievements of co-teaching pairs, showcasing their impact on student learning and the school community.
  2. Address Fears and Concerns: Acknowledge and address any fears or concerns that faculty may have about co-teaching, providing reassurance and support.
  3. Foster a Collaborative School Culture: Encourage a school-wide culture of collaboration and teamwork, emphasizing that co-teaching is a valued and integral part of the educational approach.

For school leaders, setting up co-teaching for success involves careful and strategic planning. By investing time to thoughtfully plan for co-teaching, leaders can ensure that this collaborative model leads to the enhanced learning experiences it is designed to create. If your school is seeking guidance in this planning process, contact our team at Educator’s Forte. Leaders who are seeking the kind of ongoing professional learning opportunities that best support the co-teaching model can learn more about our comprehensive approach to teacher development—including the co-teaching model—at our website: