Mastering Classroom Management

Mastering Classroom Management: A Comprehensive Series

Effective classroom management is essential to student learning. In this course, teachers take away a holistic approach to managing their classrooms; an approach grounded on the principle that classroom management is more than behavior management. Teachers will delve into the many facets that contribute to a controlled yet vibrant and engaging climate that is essential to student learning. Whether you’re a new teacher seeking foundational skills or a seasoned veteran aiming for a fresh perspective, this course is your compass to improved classroom management.


  • Improve Academic Outcomes
  • Enhance Social-Emotional Growth
  • Decrease Teacher Stress
  • Increase Teacher Job Satisfaction & Morale

Why This Course?

  • Cornerstone of Effective Teaching: Effective teaching hinges on a robust skill set, with classroom management being foundational. Recent studies identify classroom management as the only reliable predictor of teacher effectiveness.
  • Teacher Well-being: Effective classroom management not only fosters a better learning environment, but also significantly contributes to teacher well-being. Well-structured classrooms reduce disruptions and stress, leading to lower emotional exhaustion and higher job satisfaction among teachers. This positive environment helps sustain teachers’ enthusiasm and commitment to teaching, ultimately benefiting the entire educational process (ERIC) (Psychological Research)
  • Foundational Skills: Start with the basics in our introductory course and build a strong understanding of key classroom management principles.
  • Positive Impact: Explore how skilled classroom management directly influences improved academic and social-emotional outcomes for students.
  • Practical Application: Engage in a blend of digital learning and small-group sessions to develop actionable strategies that can be implemented in your classroom right away.
  • Supportive Tools: Gain access to ongoing support with practical tools and feedback from school leaders and instructional coaches, helping you refine your approach and achieve continuous improvement.


What You’ll Learn*

  1. Classroom Management Foundations: An Introduction – Gain a fundamental grasp of classroom management essentials.
  2. Setting the Stage: Expectations & Rules for a Positive Classroom – Establish clear expectations and rules to foster a conducive learning environment.
  3. Smooth Operations: Establishing Effective Procedures & Routines – Implement routines and procedures that streamline classroom operations.
  4. Guiding Behavior: Developing a Comprehensive Discipline Plan – Formulate strategies to effectively manage and guide student behavior.
  5. Staying the Course: The Importance of Consistency in Classroom Management – Understand the importance of consistency in maintaining order and fostering respect.
  6. Engaged Learners: The Secret to Effective Classroom Management – Discover how engaging learners can naturally improve classroom dynamics.
  7. A Strong Start: Prepared for Success – Prepare effectively to set a positive tone from the start of the school year.

* Not all teachers need every course in this series. After completing Course 1, teachers may opt to complete a needs evaluation that will help them determine which courses in this series are appropriate for their needs. Alternatively, school leaders may choose to assign all courses in the series for some or all teachers.

Who Should Enroll?

All K-12 teachers, support staff and leaders, whether new to the profession or experienced educators, these courses will improve student outcomes and reduce teacher stress by strengthening the overall classroom management structure.

Flexibility and Customization

Each course includes

  • 60-90 minutes of interactive digital learning
  • 60 minutes of school-facilitated small-group sessions
  • Robust follow-up and feedback resources for instructional coaches and school leaders

This Series Provides

  • Cost-Effective Learning: Access all these resources in a budget-friendly model that maximizes your investment in professional development at a fraction of the cost of traditional PD.
  • Empowering Leaders and Support Staff: Not only do we prepare teachers, but we also provide resources for school leaders, instructional coaches, teacher leaders and others to foster an environment conducive to successful classroom management.
  • Innovative and Unique Model: Research-based differentiated professional learning opportunities designed around the science of how adults learn. View more details about Our Model here.

Licensing Options

This Expert Educator series course is available to districts and schools through a 12-month multi-seat license suitable for team training.

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Transform your approach to classroom management by gaining essential skills needed to establish structured, effective, constructive, and successful learning environments, thus increasing teacher satisfaction and morale.