Co-teaching, when well implemented, stands as a go-to model for inclusion, exemplifying professional collaboration and innovation. At its core, the effectiveness of the model rests on the diverse expertise of two educators. As we embark on this series exploring the...
The journey through the landscape of co-teaching continues, revealing the myriad ways this model enhances the educational experience. In our previous post, we explored the foundational element of diverse expertise. Now, we turn our attention to another key benefit of...
As the holiday season approaches, educators find themselves amidst a whirlwind of activities, heightened energy, and the challenge of maintaining focus in the classroom. It’s a time when “holiday madness” can easily seep into the learning...
Why Training Students on Routines and Procedures is Vital Training students on instructional routines and classroom procedures is of paramount importance in creating an effective learning environment. Routines and procedures provide structure, predictability, and...
I noticed an episode of the Andy Griffith Show on my television this morning. Seeing that classic show got me to wondering why it’s still so popular—despite the fact that the kind of community and the simplistic life it represents doesn’t exist now and didn’t really...