As we continue to explore the intricacies of co-teaching, it’s crucial to acknowledge the pivotal role of professional development in ensuring its success. District and school leaders play a vital role in providing the right kind of support to foster effective co-teaching partnerships. A well-rounded approach to professional development is essential for teachers to navigate the complexities of co-teaching and create an inclusive classroom culture.

Building Strong Co-Teaching Partnerships

The foundation of successful co-teaching lies in the relationship between the co-teachers. Professional development should focus on building strong partnerships, emphasizing communication, trust, and mutual respect. Teachers need to learn how to collaborate effectively, share responsibilities, and capitalize on each other’s strengths. This involves not only understanding different co-teaching models but also developing interpersonal skills that are crucial for a harmonious working relationship.

Collaborative Skills and Inclusive Practices

Co-teaching requires educators to work together in ways that may not come naturally, especially in a profession where teachers often work in isolation. Professional development should include training on collaborative skills, such as joint planning, decision-making, and conflict resolution. Additionally, teachers should be equipped with strategies to foster an inclusive classroom culture, ensuring that all students feel valued and supported.

Instructional Models and Classroom Strategies

While building a strong partnership is paramount and must be the first focus for successful co-teaching partnerships, teachers also need to be well-versed in various co-teaching instructional models, such as team teaching, station teaching, and parallel teaching. Professional development should provide teachers with a deep understanding of these models and how to implement them effectively. Furthermore, training should cover classroom strategies that promote differentiated instruction and meet the diverse needs of learners.

Ongoing Support and Reflection

Effective professional development for co-teaching is not a one-time event but a continuous process. Teachers need ongoing support to navigate the challenges and dynamics of co-teaching. This could include regular coaching, peer observations, ongoing formal training opportunities, and opportunities for reflection and feedback. District and school leaders should create structures that allow co-teachers to continuously refine their practices and adapt their practices.

For co-teaching to be truly effective, a comprehensive approach to professional development is essential. Leaders cannot hope to achieve the benefits of co-teaching by simply putting two smart and motivated teachers in a classroom together and hoping for the best. Hope is not a strategy when it comes to teacher development. District and school leaders must provide support that encompasses the many facets of teacher development needed for effective co-teaching—form how to work collaboratively, share responsibility and control, building strong partnerships, and foster the type of engaging and inclusive learning environment that co-teaching is intended for.  And that support must be in a sustained model—no more ‘training events’.

In our next and final post, we’ll provide tips for school leaders who want to set-up co-teaching for success in their schools. Stay tuned as we conclude our series on the transformative power of co-teaching in education.

In this “Two Is Better Than One” series, we’re delving into the reasons why schools should embrace co-teaching. While diverse expertise lays the foundation, each aspect of co-teaching builds upon the other to create a comprehensive and effective educational model. Join us as we explore the multifaceted benefits of co-teaching and how it can lead to improved outcomes for both students and teachers.

If your school is seeking guidance in planning for co-teaching, contact our team at Educator’s Forte. Leaders who are seeking the kind of ongoing professional learning opportunities that best support the co-teaching model can learn more about our comprehensive approach to teacher development—including the co-teaching model—at our website: