Our Model

The Professional Development Paradox

It is no secret that professional development is an essential aspect of every teacher’s career, yet district and school leaders face many challenges as they strive to meet that important need.

  • How can you best support all teachers’ unique needs?
  • How can you better equip instructional coaches, teacher leaders, and other teacher support staff?
  • How can you help school leaders implement and provide ongoing support for relevant professional learning within the confines of limited budgets and even more limited time?

We Can Help

Educator’s Forte offers an innovative approach that makes meeting teachers’ professional growth needs a reality.

Support Educators…

  • With differentiated professional learning opportunities to meet individual teacher needs.
  • With highly engaging learning opportunities that are designed for the way adults learn—no more sit-and-get PD.
  • With a time-friendly, flexible model that works within their busy schedules—no in-service day required.

Equip Instructional Coaches…

  • With everything needed to lead small group sessions that extend and reinforce learning teachers have begun independently.
  • With resources that save them time while allowing them to deliver meaningful learning opportunities within existing school structures, like PLCs or early release days.
  • With the background knowledge and expertise they need to support a wide range of teacher needs.

Empower Leaders…

  • To provide meaningful and needed support for teachers and instructional coaches in a budget-conscious model.
  • To provide sustained focus on key professional growth topics with meaningful tools for observations, feedback, and continued growth goals for individual educators.

Learn more about how we support teachers, instructional coaches, and school leaders.

Our Model:
The Expert Educator Series

Meet the Rapid Skills Series
Because Some Things Can Be Learned Quickly