Teaching in Tandem

Welcome to Teaching in Tandem: Unlocking the Power of Co-teaching

Dive into the dynamic world of co-teaching with this Expert Educator series course, designed to enhance collaboration and instructional effectiveness in the co-taught inclusive classroom. Co-taught classrooms should look significantly different than a solo taught classroom. Effective co-teaching offers models for engagement, instruction, and support that simply aren’t possible with only one teacher in the classroom. Whether you’re new to co-teaching, or looking to refine your skills, this course provides the tools and insights needed to create a dynamic, successful and positive learning environment for both teachers and students.


  • Meet Individual Student Needs
  • Enhance Learner Engagement
  • Build an Inclusive Classroom Culture
  • Elevate Teacher Support & Improve Teacher Collaboration

Teaching in Tandem was developed under the advisement of Laura Garza, Executive Director of Special Programs for the San Antonio Special Programs Cooperative which services districts in central and south Texas. Laura brings her 26 years of experience in special education, administration and consulting to bear on this comprehensive course designed to support both new and existing co-teaching partnerships. She has extensive experience in developing and providing staff development in the areas of basic special education, co-teaching, differentiated instruction, accommodations/modifications, and compliance. Laura is dedicated to being an advocate for students to ensure they receive the supports needed to flourish and progress in their educational career. Educator’s Forte is honored to have her invaluable guidance and contributions on the creation of Teaching in Tandem.

Why This Course

  • Targeted Preparation: Equip yourself with the essential strategies for effective co-teaching. With many teachers entering co-teaching roles without prior training, we bridge that gap with comprehensive guidance and practical tools.
  • Beyond Models: While understanding the essential aspects of a true co-teaching model is crucial, the success of partnerships often hinges on the ability to effectively collaborate. Our course emphasizes the development of these vital interpersonal skills, preparing teachers to work together successfully beyond the theoretical knowledge of co-teaching strategies.
  • Continual Learning: Even if your school has previously engaged in co-teaching training, mastering these skills requires more than a one-time session. Teaching in Tandem offers ongoing learning and reinforcement of key concepts and skills, ensuring that teachers can continually develop and improve their practice in the co-taught classroom.


Who Should Enroll?

This course is ideal for K-12 teachers who are currently in or will be entering a co-teaching arrangement, as well as for school leaders and support staff involved in structuring and supporting co-teaching frameworks.

  • Support Every Co-teacher: If you’ve had training in the past, it’s likely that some current co-teaching pairs weren’t part of those sessions. Our course ensures every co-teacher in your school or district has the essential training and support needed for effective co-teaching.
  • Complementary Enhancement: Whether your school plans to host on-site training this year through external consultants or district resources, our course complements these efforts by providing continuous support in manageable chunks. This approach makes it easier for teachers to absorb, retain, and implement their new skills effectively.

What You’ll Learn

Teachers will walk away with a clear understanding of what co-teaching is and how the model can better serve all students in an inclusive classroom. Teachers will be armed with a deep understanding of the instructional models for effective co-teaching and best practices for establishing an inclusive and supportive classroom culture. Research tells us that the most important factor in co-teaching success is the relationship between the two teachers. Teaching in Tandem gives your teachers the tools and practice they need to work collaboratively, developing stronger and more effective co-teaching partnerships.

This Course Provides


  • Cost-Effective Learning: Access all these resources in a budget-friendly model that maximizes your investment in professional development at a fraction of the cost of traditional PD.
  • Empowering Leaders and Support Staff: Not only do we prepare teachers, but we also provide resources for school leaders, instructional coaches, teacher leaders and others to foster an environment conducive to a successful co-teaching environment.
  • Innovative and Unique Model: Research-based differentiated professional learning opportunities designed around the science of how adults learn. View more details about Our Model here.

April 25, 2024 Co-Teaching Essentials – Takeaways for Leaders Webinar

Keys to Unlocking the Effectiveness of
Co-Teaching Partnerships Whitepaper

Licensing Options

This Expert Educator series course is available to districts and schools through a 12-month multi-seat license suitable for team training.

Request Information

Enhance and strengthen your co-teaching environment by gaining essential skills needed to establish a dynamic, successful and positive co-taught learning environment.